
Visitors and Green Fees


Please call 01638 663000 for available tee times.

Visitors and Members Guests are welcome anytime midweek.  At weekends Members Guests are welcome from 1pm during BST and from 12pm during GMT.  Visitors are welcome from 1pm at weekends throughout the year.

Booking is essential, so please speak with the Pro Shop team in advance to check for course closures or restrictions as we often stage club, county and regional events.

On arrival, the Pro Shop staff or Course Marshal will direct you.

All visitors not accompanied by a current member are required to show a valid handicap certificate at the discretion of Pro Shop staff.

We hope you experience a wonderful day, both on the course and in the clubhouse.

Following your visit, we encourage you to provide feedback via one of the many review websites, our suggestion is Golfshake.com via the link below:



Green Fees

Members Guests
£33.00 £36.00 
Single round £66.00 £75.00
Twilight fee - after 2 pm £46.00N/A



Payment of Green Fees, including societies, must be made in the Pro Shop before starting play. If the Pro Shop is closed, payment must be made in the clubhouse with either the Club Manager or House Manager.


Visitors are permitted to play anytime on weekdays and from 1pm at weekends, subject to current availability. Visitors are not permitted between Christmas and New Year. Visitors must book via the Pro Shop, in advance.
All playing visitors may be required to produce a Handicap Certificate at the discretion of the Pro Shop. Bag tags will be provided and must be displayed for inspection by the Course Marshal.


Full Playing Members may 'book in' up to 3 Members Guests (maximum 3 guests when booking a 4 ball, maximum 2 guests when booking a 3 ball), subject to availability of tee times. The member must sign the book kept in the Pro Shop, and must play with their guests. They will be entitled to pay the lower Members Guest green fee rate. Members are responsible for the conduct of their guests.


Junior members who hold a current CONGU handicap may invite member's guests. Junior rates are 50% of the adult green fee rates.